14-15 MARCH 2014
Call for Papers
The Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong (ASAHK) invites scholars, researchers and postgraduate students from all disciplines in humanities, education and social sciences to propose papers and panels for its Ninth Annual Conference. Conference participants are welcome to address various issues in the study of Asia from a whole range of fields, including anthropology, business studies, communication, creative arts, culture, economics, education, environment, film, gender and sexuality, health, history, language, literature, management, media, philosophy, politics, psychology, religion and sociology.
The panel organizer should provide a list of all the papers proposed (including email address and affiliation of the presenter/chair/discussant) plus an abstract of 200 words for each paper to the Organizing Committee by email at:
Individual paper proposals are equally welcome. The title of the proposed paper and its abstract of 200 words should also be sent to:
The deadline of submission will be December 25, 2013. If your panel or paper proposal is accepted, the letter of acceptance will be sent to you by email before 15 January 2014.
Official languages
English and Chinese (Putonghua and Cantonese). Other languages, such as Japanese and Korean, are also welcome. Please mention in your panel proposal the specific language that panel members will use.
Deadline for Submission of Your Full Papers
After your paper proposal is accepted, you will be expected to submit your full paper to the conference organizer by February 15, 2014. Paper presenter will be responsible for bringing 30 copies of his or her paper to be distributed in the conference and panel.
Conference Themes
Theme and Sub-themes The main theme of the March 2014 conference will be “Culture and Society in Asia: Thematic Issues and Methodologies.”
The sub-themes include the following areas:
(1) Business and social entrepreneurship;
(2) Creativity, media and culture;
(3) Digital culture;
(4) Education, social change and culture;
(5) Environment and sustainable development;
(6) History of Hong Kong, China and Asia;
(7) Literature and culture;
(8) Managing urbanization in Asia;
(9) Public policies and governance;
(10) Sustainability and education.
Participants are very welcome to submit paper proposals on other themes.
Registration Fees and Deadline
Conference registration fee: HK$300 for each presenter, panel chair and discussant; HK$150 for retired resident and student; and free for ASAHK members. Conference participants who pay the registration fees will become members of the ASAHK. For papers to be presented by more than one author, at least one of the co-authors must pay the registration fees. For those who do not register by February 14, 2014, their names and papers will not be listed in the conference programme.
Registration fee can be paid by either (1) Bank Transfer or (2) Cash at the conference.
(1) Bank Transfer
Return a completed registration form and receipt of bank transfer to You can find the bank account details in the registration form.
(2) Cash at the conference
Return a completed registration form and signed Commitment Statement to The Commitment Statement is included in the registration form.
Joining the ASAHK
Conference participants and paper presenters who would like to join the ASAHK as members can ask for the details at the conference.
Membership form can be downloaded from:
Organizing Committee
Prof. SO WaiChor, The Open University of Hong Kong
Dr. LEE PuiTak, The University of Hong Kong
Dr. WONG Heung Wah, The University of Hong Kong
Miss CHANG Ching-fang, The University of Hong Kong
Miss. CHAU Ling-fung Karin, The University of Hong Kong
Miss. PAN Jie, The Univeristy of Hong Kong
Miss. WEI Wei, the University of Hong Kong
Mr. WONG Chi Hang, The University of Hong Kong
Miss ZHANG Mei, The University of Hong Kong
Miss ZHU Yi, The University of Hong Kong
For conference details, please contact the chairman of the organizing committee, Prof. So WaiChor of The Open University of Hong Kong (Email:
Important Dates**
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 25 Dec 2013
Notice of Acceptance: 15 Jan 2014
Registration Deadline: 1 Feb 2014
Deadline for Full Paper Submission: 15 Feb 2014
Conference Venue
To be announced